Berwick 2009 Tour Photo
Pictured Back Left to Right:
Chris Boswell, Brendan Coyle, Stewart Blair, David Bruce, Scott Campbell, David Blair
Pictured Front Left to Right:
Craig Watson, Steve Gregory, Greer Church, Douglas Pilkington, Gita Singh

Dundee Tour
Pictured Back Left to Right:
Steve Gregory, Alan Fletcher, Douglas Pilkington, Gary Miller, Tom Boag
Pictured Middle Left to Right:
John Blair, David Walker, Paul Bushfield
Pictured Front Left to Right:
Tom McDade, Andy Clifton, Craig Watson, Stewart Blair
Working the camera: Jim Murphy & Iain Gibson

2010 Pre Season Pool Competition Winners
Alistair Haw and Club President Greer Church.
Winners of the 2010 Pre-Season Pool Competition

John Blair with Western Academy Team
Our Club's Junior Convenor & Coach, John Blair, pictured with the Western Academy cricket team which he is the Manager of. Congratulations on a successful season.

Inverclyde vs Scott's Annual Match - August 2009
Inverclyde Cricket Club's Annual match between
Scott's (old boys) vs Inverclyde Cricket Club (young guns)
August 2009 - Inverclyde were victorious yet again!
Club Captain Stewart Blair being presented with the trophy,
while Tom Watson (right) drowns his sorrows after suffering yet another defeat.

Inverclyde vs Scott's Annual Match - August 2009
Inverclyde Cricket Club's Annual match between
Scott's (old boys) vs Inverclyde Cricket Club (young guns)
August 2009
Team Photo
Dave Hebenton, Greer Church, Chris Boswell, Stewart Blair, Stuart Callison,
Jim Murphy, Steve Gregory, Douglas Pilkington, Jim Campbell, Davie Walker,
Scott Campbell, Davie Airth, Iain Gibson and Alan Fletcher

Inverclyde vs Scott's Annual Match - August 2009
Inverclyde Cricket Club's Annual match between
Scott's (old boys) vs Inverclyde Cricket Club (young guns)
August 2009
Team Photo

Inverclyde vs Scott's Annual Match - August 2009
Inverclyde Cricket Club's Annual match between
Scott's (old boys) vs Inverclyde Cricket Club (young guns)
August 2009
Celebrations after the match. Sorry Brendan, it had to go on
the website!

Tour Golf Day Winner
Aaron receiving his award for winning Inverclyde
Cricket Club's Golf Day on tour in Durham. JAMMY!!

Durham Tour - Dressed to Impress
Steve Gregory dressed for the occasion.
Yes he did go out at night looking like that!

Durham Tour - Durham C. C. Wicket
What's a picture of our wicket doing here. Oh sorry,
it's Durham C. C.'s wicket. Couldn't tell the difference
at first!

Durham Tour - Durham v Kent Warmup
Pre-game warmup!....... what's that? Maybe
we should try it some day.

Durham Tour - Interval Pitch Invasion
Some of the Inverclyde boys on tour taking a
well deserved rest at the interval.

Durham Tour - Let Us In. I've Got My Ticket
Whatever you do, don't let them in!
What a bunch of misfits.

Durham Tour - Team Photo
Team Photo:
Back: Craig Watson, Scott Campbell, Stewart Blair, Tom Watson, Ally Haw, David Blair, Chris Bowell
Front: Aaron Lowe, Dave Bruce, Greer Church, Steve Gregory, Dave Hebenton

Durham Tour - Just Resting My Eyes
Wakey wakey Mr Boswell. Poor lad, probably
dreaming about scarecrows and pizza.

Inverclyde vs Scotts 2010 - Coin Toss
Pre-game coin toss, where the f%#k did the coin go!
Must have gone down one of the cracks in the pitch.

Inverclyde vs Scotts 2010 - Team Talk
Inverclyde get together to discuss tactics. Bowl straight,
hit the ball hard and hold the catches. SIMPLE!

Inverclyde vs Scotts 2010 - Time for Tea
Tea Break - This is the food of CHAMPIONS.
We actually have a team dietitian who has selected
only the finest food and drink (as you can see) which has helped
to make us the men we are!

Inverclyde vs Scotts 2010 - Trophy Presentation
Inverclyde win again!
Club President Greer Church awarding the trophy to Inverclyde's Scott Campbell. Scott was rather embarrased to be asked to receive the award on his own. He said "the whole team should be up here, we played together, and won together, this is the proudest moment of my life"

Inverclyde vs Scotts 2010 - Post Game Beverage
Players from both Scotts and Inverclyde putting the fierce rivalry to one side for a few beverages at the Cardwell Inn, Gourock. (Does that mention get us a sponsor next year?)

Inverclyde Cricket Club Dinner & Prizegiving
Inverclyde Cricket Club members sitting down to a great
meal at Gourock Golf Club. It was a brlliant night!

Inverclyde Cricket Club Dinner & Prizegiving
The drink is flowing at the club's Annual Dinner & Prizegiving,

Inverclyde Cricket Club Dinner & Prizegiving
David Bruce awarding a silver quaich to Scott Campbell for support
throughout the season. The award is a new one that will be awarded
on an annual basis and is in memory of David's father 'Kenneth Bruce'
who sadly passed away on 15th September of this year. Kenneth was a true
friend of the club and will be sadly missed.